Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Neglect/Natural Method

When you start your journey into dreads, there is much to consider. Methods, products, etc.

For my journey, I chose the "neglect" or natural method.

A common misconception with this method, is that you actually neglect good hygeine.
I can not stress enough how FALSE this is.
I still shower. I still WASH MY HAIR!! I simply just dont brush it. Thats it! I don't even towel dry (although, I do flip my hair to speed up initial drying - so that I am not walking around leaving a water trail everywhere!).

I "neglect" my hair, and let it do whatever the hell it wants! I am not following any special method that gives the look of dreads, with tons of work!

Following this method does not make me dirty, nasty, nor does it make me smell bad. How funny.

CLEAN HAIR DREADS BETTER/FASTER THAN DIRTY HAIR!! - just a bit of info for anyone considering this method!! Wash your hair!! =)

Also, stay away from bad products! Do your research!! I wash my hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. I started this wash about 8 months before I began my dread journey. Not for dreads, but for healthier hair!! Try it, dreads or not. Your hair will turn out fabulous when you stop attacking it with harmful chemicals! Oh, and dreads love it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Welcome! A bit about me!

If you have found this page, that means you are interested in my journey! It will be a long one! Full of twists, curves, bumps and knots! It should be fun!

A quick intro about myself:
I go by the name 'Tori'.
I am almost 25.
Married with two children! (both BOYS!)
I live in the beautiful SUNSHINE state, Florida!!

I have always liked the look of dreads. Like many though, I have feared judgement from my peers, and so have hesitated to try this hair style. When I first looked into dreading my hair, I was quickly discouraged by all the products and methods. I was also afraid of potentially damaging my hair beyond repair, resulting in a buzz cut! NO WAY! I decided that dreads were not for me after all, and never thought twice about it!

One day, out of the blue, a friend shared with me her plans to dread naturally! Say what!?
Of course I was intrigued! She shared a few links with me, and I was left totally jealous! I never knew dreading could be so SIMPLE!!
Eventually, she talked me into starting my journey! I admit, I had reservations. I am a mother, afterall, and people judge harshly. I decided none of that matters though! IT IS JUST HAIR, and regardless of how it looks, I remain a fabulous mom and wife!

I am very excited to share this journey! It is not only about dreading my hair. It is also, for me, about giving up control and my vanity. This is a pretty big deal in my little world! =)